Thursday, 17 May 2012

Super(modern) Summary.

A few conclusive thoughts...

'Telephone Exchanges

(written by me, not so long ago)

These have been key themes to the development of my work.

I have been working towards representing things in MASS, regarding Mark Auge's concepts on 'supermodernity' with the mass of equipment and systems,data,telephone calls in Telephone exchanges and 'non-places' and spaces around us (specific to manchester).

Telephone exchanges, developed and changed with the increasing abundance of phone calls and telecommunications, it is an excessive increase; an absolute excess of machinery (though very visually interesting) also links to the ideas about 'non-places' and 'super-modernity' and how I have also come to see them in an excessive nature. Through development I have come to represent this idea visually, keeping things simple and repetitive.

What was most interesting was the jump from hand to machine, which I have reflected through machine laser cut fabric and perspex, and hand made plaster pieces and hand stitch.It has taken a lot of time to get things right and experiment, it takes time to stitch and time to include a mathematical aspect, but I think this has reinforced the history and meaning to the pieces and their regimented structures.

Working in a group has been great, the whole researching and discovering at the beginning really helped us all work in a collaborative environment, and we got to hear about loads of artists and different  practices that push the boundaries of art and design, and which have encouraged us all to think a bit differently. It had been really interesting to see our work develop from similar (scientific) inspirations and we all got to know how we worked and helped each other along the way. I am looking forward to pulling it all together at the exhibition at blank space that we have been organising, which has really been one of the highlights. 

For now, a little bit more work to be done...On with the stitch! 


I would like this particular image to be on my postcard. 
We will be making postcards to hand out/people to take at our little exhibition; featuring a photo, email and names etc...Another exciting little part for the exhibition at Blank Space next friday and something to make it a little bit different.

Textiles in Practice



Anna Columbine

We are also going to include a description of the work we intend to put up, a little curated part to make it a real exhibition...

Telephone Exchanges
Non places

'This need to give a meaning to the present if not the past, is the price we pay for over abundance of events corresponding to a situation we could call supermodern to express its essential quality: EXCESS'

Marc Auge sees the world in terms of supermodernity, the world being filled with an abundance of events demanding that each of us individually INTERPRET it all.

My work has come to represents MASS and EXCESS regarding Telephone Exchanges with the mass of systems,data,telephone calls 
and 'non-places' and spaces around us. 

Telephone exchanges developed and changed with the increasing 'abundance ' of  telecommunications, which could be describes as excessive; an excess of machinery, which links to the ideas about 'non-places'' and how I have also come to see them in an excessive nature.

Change from hand to machine; hand operated connections to machine: 'strowgers' and 'crossbar systems'.
Laser cut fabric and perspex- Hundreds of circles and squares representative of the telephone exchanges and non-places .
Hand stitch and plaster pieces- Reflecting the hand and the condensed nature of the telephone equipment...
A mathematical concept has been explored- each piece represents information from the first telephone exchanges of Manchester, reinforcing the history and meaning to their regimented structures.

The piece reflects the simple and repetitive visuals of the telephone exchanges and generic non-places that we see today.

Still ongoing...
Cosm? as in microcosm but not...  ?  Short for textile innovation?! I don't know if that just reminds me of soup cans...


I have been arranging the latest few pieces I have been making, hanging the fabric and perfecting the plaster pieces!

I still think the hanging pieces will look better with a bit of stitch or wire, just to make them more than just laser cut fabric. They are still mathematically representative of the Telephone Exchanges; 420 circles, and underneath there are 125 perspex pieces which I am going to set in plaster blocks. 

The pieces with the perspex look most effective especially as they are reflective and give a transparent quality which will work nicely with the light fabrics I have been working with. A few of the slides fell out but it could be quite nice to display these by the side, with the small engraved plaster pieces, representing that 'excess': an overabundance of objects...

Wednesday, 16 May 2012


Last batch of laser cutting done, these are the final pieces I will be working with! 
I'm going to do some more hanging in hotspur to see how i may arrange them/where stitch or wire could be effective and how I will thread them together...

I was worried about the materials, if they were going to work together or if it is going to look too plain, but I think the colours of the fabrics match quite well and contrasting weaves work together... They quite nicely represent the changing time periods especially the perspex which will reflect a more modern era of spaces and telephone exchanges ( transient quality).

I'm really pleased with the laser cutting results, as it has been a little challenging as I haven't used the machine before and it requires a lot of accurate planning and thought.  I quite like how it has pushed me to think about the hand made vs the machine made element of the project; it seems more challenging to me to use machine equipment as there is a lack of control, and in a way can be less experimental, whereas hand-stitch emphasises the amount of time needed, it's a slower and more reflective process. It's interesting that with space and places and processes today are more interested in saving time, and removing the control from man to machine.

I also felt I needed to set up my own little blank space, as I just cant imagine it right without the white! The space we will be displaying our work will be quite different to hotspur and so will be interesting to see the effect of white on white...

Masses of stitch...

Todays use of the laser cutter, I assume, will be the last use of that machinery, due to over booking and suspended use! I have tried other options (Fred's, FAB lab) but too expensive, too late! SO to overcome this little problem, I am going to continue using lots of handstitch which I think is going to work quite well and visually will perfectly reflect connections/wires/networking systems...

I need to fit as much into my little laser hour as humanly possible.

It will link in to the idea of EXCESS and  MASS, I will no doubt be spending a MASS amount of time stitching and this connects to my idea of 'hand operated' telephone exchanges, quite time consuming compared to todays methods.  There is most likely to be a considerable amount of thread because of the stitches that I am using.. Also the supermodern theme will me running through, it will be clean clinical, simple colours, perspex and plain, generic fabrics.

I think this is going to work, as I think the handstitch side needs to be explored more, I have been hesitant as I didn't want to add stitch as a decoration or didn't want it to be seen as such.

It has been hard trying to sync my time and my thoughts with the laser cutter, as I like to over think fabrics/colours etc, so I have really had to have a go in-get it right-get out! attitude.

For now, on with the hand stitch!

Tuesday, 15 May 2012


I have been hanging up my fabric in groups and stringing them together, trying to get an idea of space and scale. Also, I have been thinking about how much sewing I will need to do and how much thread/wire is going to be needed to make an impact but look subtle enough.

I think how the string is only very subtly noticeable; quite nice and quite important, especially when thinking about the connections and network systems of old and new telephone exchanges. The images of hotspur definitely make me visualise the old Manchester telephone exchanges.

I am still feeling a little unsure about the LRK cotton and its refusal to stop fraying... however this could look quite nice, reflecting the old historical side of the project...I was thinkig about dying the fabric to imporve aesthestics but I think to fit in with the group and the clean clincal element, it is best to keep them white, and give them all a good iron!

So from the images, I am starting to get a feel for how my work is going to look, but as of yet I need more pieces to be reflective of my themes of 'excess' and space to really represent the excess of functions of non-places and telephone exchanges around Manchester.

I have got more lazer cutting booked, to cut out fabric and some persex, which I am going to use in my final piece and use the cut out pieces and set them into my bigger plaster boxes...

Monday, 14 May 2012

Astrid Stavro

Astrid Stavro is a designer,  idea: Grid It! award winning products based on grids that have changed the history of design...

What caught my eye was that also in the caption was

'Order is the actual key of life' - Le Corbusier

I like grids, I like order, I quite like this designer, as everything is just so.

On with grids and regimented structures!


More plaster experiments, I made 25 plasticine cubes, set them in the plaster, however I realised, they will all set together and I will have an awful multicoloured slab. So carefully, but inevitably messily peeled them out, still an imprint, but not quite supermodern-neat-clinical...Thinking about using the perspex squares I will be cutting (125...) in laser cutting in a few days, and setting them into five blocks as I think visually they did work best. 

Keeping things neat, repetitive and simple is quite important.


Today we had a meeting with kate and one of the lovely UnitX co-ordinators, discussing if it was possible to use BLANK space as our exhibition space next week...

The meeting went well, and we met the photography tutor who we will be collaborating with (well, in terms of hanging and displaying our work, which will require a little collaborative disscussion I'm sure..), where It would be the six of us, yet to be named, and 15 photography students!

They were excited about helping, and thought it was great we went out to see blank space and have tried to organise the whole thing, and so has been approved by Jane! (Unit x Leader).

It's really exciting for all of us! We are intrigued to see what photography have been doing and will showcase, and we will all begin to get an idea of how we are going to set out our work, we need to start to think like little artists...

Sunday, 13 May 2012


These are my 1000x600 (ish) laser cut fabrics which I have been stitching into with wire and thread...I plan to hang these up tomorrow in hotspur and connect them to another group I have made... Just thought I would have a few snaps of the detail... 

I have been keeping the colours limited, just to emphasise that Im not trying to decorate the fabric, I just want to represent the connections, and I think a very neutral simple 'modern' palette will translate quite well.

Trying to attach wire is a little tricky but I think it's looks quite nice... adds to the sciency clinical theme our group has...

The fabric does seem to be worrying me, it frays quite a bit after stitching and a lot of handling, and I'm not sure its as clean cut-as I would have liked.

It really depends on time, and the time free on the laser cutter, however these pieces once fully worked will have quite a different characteristc, as is what happens with handstitch! The fraying could be nicely reflective of the older historical systems of the Telephone Exchanges, and the loose wire ends that I saw when I visited MOSI (pictures a few posts back...).

Thursday, 10 May 2012

More Plaster...

Trying to make plaster blocks, to hold my little engraved pieces... So I tried pouring plaster into a baking tray (very technical, I dont need a workshop...) and needless to say it didn't work!

Plaster was too thick, and I couldn't imprint into the surface as it was too rough, and already drying.

After spending a lot of time running around this last week trying to get some advice, I have figured that I am going to use stone powder as that was the best consistency, and make plasticine cubes and try setting them into the stone hopefully resulting in an imprint of somekind where my blocks can set!

It's all fun...Its all stressfull.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Blank Space.

Had a little meeting with Blank Space today, as we hope to hold our little (or not so little) group exhibition here. Its a little building standing alone, and it seems perfect for our group needs: white, clean spaces, little rooms suitable for projections or minimal lighting, not too far from hotspur...

The meeting went well, and the guys who run the building were really interested in our ideas, and really loved our interpretation of 'old school, new school' and how we seemed to be using textiles in a different way...

Its been well recieved that we have initiated this possible takeover of Blank Space, however we have incurred a few technical problems such as funding, being the biggie! More negotiations need to be had so hopefully we can get something sorted, as It would be excellent to have our own mini exhibition. If not good old Hotspur will be there for us!

Good experience for future organising...

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


Had a good tutorial; I need to start thinking about the space, hanging up pieces through the space, making them connecting with the wire and thread, so the work really reflects the ideas about networks and communication.

So it could be good to create different sets around the space, each in different material/fabric reflecting the change, 'old school new school' and the mass of connections (representing ideas about the t.e's and Mark Auge, mass and supermoderity). It will also be nice to have the plaster blocks, possbily on walls or shelves, still continuing with that idea of placing/connecting and the aesthetics quite minimal, generic and regimented.

Next step is to start spacing-up around hotspur, once I get my lazer cut pieces back, I can stitch into them and think about arrangements...

Monday, 7 May 2012


As I plan to be working only with a few materials (as with a few of us in the group) , and our space could possibly be quite Blank, I have been looking at a few artists exploring quite a minimal theme...

Thomas Raschke; 'avid model builder' using a number of materials, frequently experimenting with iron-wire welded and soldered, his work questions edges and structures, lines and space.

Quite interesting, regarding the space.  Also, has a very thready characteristic, quite wire-y, something I am trying to achieve with my work...

Antonia Low;  Another artist from the tactile book...Amazing installations! They are, in fact, inspiring me to possibly work more with the wire/fabric/perspex element to my piece...

Very minimal qualities, materials and structures give an almost haunting feeling, a bit odd... I like odd.

Great book, as Mark said it was, so I will bring it in to the studio to see what peoples are thinking.

Sunday, 6 May 2012


Trying to nail down some thoughts and concepts behind what I am doing...

-Reflecting the slow and and simple movements, that the hand has to do today in terms of technology, contrasted with the hand operated equipment of the telephone exchanges in the 1890's.

-Keeping things simple, representing the hand-operation, and the simplicity of the design contrasts the reality of a complicated system. 

-Fabric pieces and wire - they may (?!) look a bit 'otherworldly' connecting to the present wireless systems and waves that run through our transient and everyday spaces and places.

-Still trying to do things/represent things in MASS, regarding Mark Auges concepts on 'supermodernity' with the mass of equipment and systems/data/telephone calls and the mathematical element I have been working with.

I have been thinking maybe I should push forward with the wire and fabric/perspex in the week, especially as I will be lazering some sheets of fabric in the week, and I also plan to experiment with some ways of connecting wire and fabric/thread/perspex using eyelets/stitch/holes etc...

Saturday, 5 May 2012




Name: Anna Grace Columbine


My practice is very much art-based, where recently I have become interested in ideas surrounding the processes of making art, and experimenting with methods to create conceptual artwork, sculpture, artifacts or installation-based pieces.

My work is based around THE TEXTILE AS FAMILIAR. I am beginning to expand and challenge what  ‘textiles’ can be in terms of materials and approaches.

My blog on my current work is;


Current –Ba (Hons) Textiles in Practice 2011-2014,  Manchester School of Art

Art and Design Foundation -Distinction (Manchester School of Art)
A Levels  - Textiles, Art (A*) History (A) (Holy Cross Sixth Form College)
GCSE's - Textiles, English Literature, History, Science (A*) Maths, English Language, Art,Science, French, R.E, ICT (A) Statistics (B) (Parrenthorn High School)


Tim Curry, Permanent  Installation, Font Fallowfield ,Manchester (December 2012)

-Site specific installation; A colourful thread-wrapped-twig sculpture in-keeping with the quirky character of the popular hangout in the centre of Fallowfield.

Textile Innovation, Blank Space, Hulme Street, Manchester (May 2012)

-Exhibiting alongside a collective group, exploring themes of science, space and structure. Responsibilities included  working alongside gallery owners, setting up the exhibition and running the gallery (opening, closing and invigilation).

Friends, Art and Design Foundation, Final Exhibition, Manchester School of Art (June 2011)

-Installation comprising of heavily intensive handstitched pieces (selfmade dress and shirt and artifacts) exploring numerous processes and ideas of making and concepts.


‘The Wrappers’ (From November 2012-Ongoing)

-  Collaboartive art group, comprising of others and myself from the Textiles in Practice Degree at Manchester School of art. We create installations with a theme of thread-wrapping,  which can involve wrapping objects, spaces and creating sculptural installations. Projects include a commissioned piece for Font Fallowfield

'Unit X' Manchester School of Art (March-May 2012)

-Worked on a live project 'Imagining It'. Involved working in a collaborative environment to produce a final piece working in smaller groups using collective blogs to generate and document work and inspiration. Learnt to support and work in collaboration with the group, which led to an independent exhibition, Textile Innovation.


Blank Space Collective, Gallery invigilator (September 2012-Ongoing)

-Regular invigilator and set-up assistant for previews, art exhibitions and events. Tasks include welcoming visitors, serving on the bar and invigilating spaces.

BBC ‘Meet the Crafter’ Pilot production assistant, Whitworth Art Gallery (September 2012)

-Fantastic experience working for the BBC Learning Department in assisting on the pilot  for new craft based show ‘Meet the Crafter’. I had invaluable experience understanding the workings of such a production, gained behind-the-scene insight, and developed and put into action co-ordination, organization and communication skills whilst helping and interacting with participants on the show and working with BBC Staff.

‘CHROMA’ Space preparation assistant, Blank Space (June 2012)

-Assisted artist Liz West prepare the space for CHROMA . Involved preparing and decorating the space to high standards ready for her first major Exhibition.

‘Serious about Art’, Workshop Assistant, Whitworth Art Gallery (March 2012)

-Work Experience with Textile Artist Kate Egan, helping assist on a group workshop. I worked on a small scale collaborative piece, worked with the participants in exploring the theme of new ways of creativity, regarding textiles and stitch. I learnt about organising a workshop, and got an insight into how a practicing artists work with galleries.

Bury Museum and Art Gallery, Museum Collections Assistant (July & August 2011)

 –Volunteer at Bury Art Gallery and Museum, assisting museum staff documenting objects. Worked with a member of staff to put up an exhibition at Ramsbottom Heritage Society. This was a fantastic experience as I love working with objects, and I gained an insight into the workings of the museum and gallery.

‘Imagining Bury’ Group Project (October 2009)

- Selected to participate in a project ‘Imagining Bury' with the artist Emily Campbell. Worked with the artist and other selected students in a number of workshops to develop a public art piece as part of the new Townside Health Centre in Bury. We worked on photoshop and produced creative writing that was used as inspiration and became part of the artwork.

Part-time Job, Schuh (2009- present)

-Since November 2009 I have been working part time at the shoe store Schuh as a sales assistant. I have developed excellent communications skills with customers and experienced working with colleagues in a team-focused environment.


-I have a number of practical textile-based skills and I can use a laser cutting machine and the design software to go with it such as Vectorworks and Coral Draw. I can also use InDesign and Photoshop software to produce publications, books and ‘zines. I have good photography skills, where I can use DSLR and film camera, edit and manipulate images.

I feel I am very enthusiastic and highly motivated individual with a great work ethic. I consider myself to be very friendly and approachable which is valuable when working in collaboration with others. I am organised, have excellent time keeping skills and I ensure I put the best effort into everything I do regarding work and practice.


Kate Egan
Tony Ratcliffe
Programmer Leader, Textiles
in Practice
Chatham Building
       Programme Leader, Art and Design 
Chatham Building
Manchester School of Art
Manchester School of Art
Cavendish Street
Cavendish Street

Sharon Bansal
Director, Blank Media Collective
Blank Space
43 Hulme Street
M15 6AW