Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Installation, space and site...

These are a few themes I want to continue exploring throughout my work next year, and over the summer I think it would be good to look at artists and inspirations about site specific work, and the use of objects and spaces, HOW AND WHY.

A few artists to start, for inspiration...


I went to the Chinese Arts Centre (it was changeover, but was still a useful trip...) and rediscovered Suki Chan in a few books that were on display.

She explores themes of place and 'uses light, moving image and sound to explore our physical and psychological experience of SPACE' and is drawn to using light, as it changes our daily perceptions of the spaces and places we encounter...She also collects objects and works with multiples to create interesting installations, something I find interesting as I like to explore things in 'series' and making things a little bit stranger.

Interval II, Video

Book Shelf Series, Cut books, metal and mirror.

Rice Boats, Mixed media installation with video

I quite like how she works with unusual media, such as video projects and just the general clean, neat aesthetic of the work. Inspires me to do lots of detailed drawings! 


This artist has featured on my blog before, but not with too much detail, so here is a little expansion...

Another installation artists who works with space and also looks at the history of sites 'A modern archeologist she looks back to the past, hoping to lay bare and discover treasures'. 

'Has a special interest in sites under mutation'...She likes to work with rooms, removing objects and looking into the meaning of the spaces and 'past activities'.

The Electric Return

What was also interesting, was that she was part of the 'Seven Sites' project around Manchester and Salford, which was an event incurring many small, strange interventions and happenings among the communities and spaces around the city, such as tea parties in high rise flat blocks, video installations and performances in local pubs, Antonia in particular working in the United Reformed Church, Salford (right around the corner from where I used to live!)... 

White Cube Longing focused on creating a white space, removing everything apart from the cupboard, which was to be built around to create a 'hyper-real space with a single object on view'.

White Cube Longing
I love the way she transforms space, and the historical/narrative aspect, trying to explore or look back to what was once there...The spaces she created look eerie, and even in the structures of her other pieces,  it's described as being 'filled with a strange melancholy'...Agreed.

Monday, 11 June 2012

The Exhibition...

The exhibition was a successs, all the hard work made it worth it.

Looking forward to the summer, and also starting the summer project and continuing with ideas about space, site and installation, and looking further into why and how artists/designers do this...

Me and my friends have also been asked by 'The Font' bar to produce some work, exciting, more to come on this very soon...